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CBERS 04A First Images

por INPE
Publicado: Dez 30, 2019
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São José dos Campos-SP, 30 de dezembro de 2019

Imagem CBERS 04A First Images

The reception in Brazil of the first images of the CBERS 04A satellite took place on December 27, 2019. After a week of testing all subsystems and performing a sequence of maneuvers to put the satellite into its nominal orbit, the three CBERS 04A cameras were turned on over Brazil for 11 minutes, from 10:56 am to 11:07 am, Brasília local time. INPE’s ground station in Cuiabá, MT, received and recorded raw data of WPM, MUX, and WFI cameras that were processed in São José dos Campos, SP.

The following figures show three examples of images over Brazil from the three cameras of the satellite.

WFI image - True-color composite, 55m spatial resolution, 330km by 200km crop
(Cuiabá, MT, below left; Do Manso Reservoir above center).

MUX image - True-color composite, 16m spatial resolution, 30km by 20km crop
(cities of Jardim and Guia Lopes da Laguna, MS).

WPM image - panchromatic band, 2m spatial resolution, 5km by 3km crop
(city of Primavera do Leste, MT).

Following we can see examples of the first images received in China. The next figure shows a WPM image, where the fusion between the panchromatic band and the multispectral ones provides the colors.

WPM image - True-color composite, 2m panchromatic band/8m multi-spectral merged, 2km by 2km crop
(LhaSa, Tibet province).

MUX image - True-color composite, 16m spatial resolution, 20km by 11km crop
(Aksu region, Xinjiang province).

WFI image - True-color composite, 55m spatial resolution, 620km by 180km crop
(Qinghai Lake, Qinghai province).

From now on the commissioning phase of CBERS 04A begins, with an expected duration of about three months. During this phase the radiometric and geometric quality of the images from the three cameras will be evaluated. All necessary adjustments, both to the processing software and to the configuration parameters of each camera, will be made during this period in order to generate the highest quality image products possible. This phase will end with a technical meeting for the approval of the final commissioning report by a team of experts. The CBERS 04A satellite will then be declared operational.

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