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Presidente do Programa Mundial de Pesquisas Climáticas ministra palestra no INPE

por INPE
Publicado: Mar 09, 2017
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São José dos Campos-SP, 09 de março de 2017

No dia 15 de março (quarta-feira), às 14h30, o cientista Guy Brasseur ministrará palestra no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), em São José dos Campos.

Presidente do World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), Guy Brasseur atualmente lidera grupo de pesquisa no Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, da Alemanha, com atuação em instituições renomadas como o National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), dos Estados Unidos.

Apresentada em inglês e aberta a todos os interessados, a palestra será no auditório Fernando de Mendonça (entrada pela torre A do LIT/INPE). Haverá transmissão ao vivo a partir do link: www.lit.inpe.br/aovivo.

Intitulada "Development of an Operational Regional multi-model Air Quality Prediction System", a apresentação é de interesse geral, em especial pesquisadores das áreas de Ciência do Sistema Terrestre, Meteorologia e Clima, Observação da Terra e Ciência Espacial.

Saiba mais sobre o palestrante: http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/en/staff/ohneabteilung/guy-brasseur/cv/

Sobre a palestra

According to the World Health Organization, more than 3 million people in the world die prematurely each year from outdoor air pollution. Air Quality is therefore one of the most urgent environmental problems facing society. As part of the EU-sponsored Panda and MarcoPolo projects, an operational air quality forecasting system has been developed. Such system can help environmental managers to avoid acute air pollution episodes by taking appropriate and timely measures. The forecasts by seven different chemical transport models are combined to provide median and average values. Global predictions that include an assimilation process of space observations are downscaled to a spatial resolution of a few kilometers. The system provides predicted distributions of several compounds including ozone and NO2, PM2.5 and PM10. It has been applied in Asia, and projects to implemented it in South America are underway. To illustrate the performance of the system, predictions performed for the 37 Chinese cities of more than 3 million inhabitants will be presented. The forecasts are posted daily on the web and continuously compared with local observations as these become available each hour.

The presentation will describe the forecasting system, highlight problems encountered, and present validations of the model predictions with surface measurements.

The presentation will be concluded by a short presentation of a new international initiative called " Monitoring, Analysis and Prediction of Air Quality (MAP-AQ)". The overarching goal of MAP-AQ is to develop a world-wide consortium of expert groups to coordinate and enhance research and services that will help mitigate air pollution, specifically in regions of the world where high concentrations of pollutants are observed.

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