São José dos Campos-SP, 25 de novembro de 2019
“Aeronomic Studies carried out at the Andes Lidar Observatory, Chile.”
Dr. Fabio Vargas
Research Scientist
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Remote Sensing & Space Science Laboratory
Urbana, Illinois, USA
27.11.2019, 15h
Auditório CEA-II – INPE/SJCampos
The Andes Lidar Observatory-ALO (30.3 S, 70.7 W) is located in the northern Chilean region near the Atacama desert. The dryness of the region makes it ideal for aeronomical experiments relying on clear skies conditions and low cloud coverage throughout the year, and most importantly, for being a hot spot for mountain and convectively generated gravity waves. Because of that, several optical instruments are operated at ALO since 2009 on a continuous base. The aeronomical instrument suit corresponds to a word-class resonance W/T Na Lidar system, a 40 kW Enhanced Meteor Detection Radar operating at 60 MHz, OH mesosphere temperature mapper, and several all-sky nightglow imagers equipped to observe the space-time variations of the OH(6-2), O2(0-1), O(1S), O(1D), and Na nightglow brightness. In this talk, we want to show the different aspects of the lidar observatory and discuss the science investigation enabled by this set of instruments. We will show a number of important results obtained in the past few years and the endeavors we want to pursue in the near future.
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